Ro-Aro Exam: Candidate got angry after seeing question paper, tore OMR sheet, case registered

During the Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer examination, a candidate tore the OMR sheet at RD Memorial School, Abubakarpur, Dhumanganj. This created panic at the examination centre. The authorities were informed about the incident. On the complaint of the center management, a case has been registered against the accused student in Dhumanganj police station. 

Mahendra Kumar Prajapati, son of Kanhaiyalal, resident of Handia, had come to take the examination of Review Officer-Assistant Review Officer on Sunday. Its center was in RD Memorial School located in Abubakarpur of Dhumanganj police station area. Shortly after the exam started, he tore the OMR sheet given to him to write the answers. Seeing his action, people were shocked and there was chaos at the examination centre.

On the information of the room inspector, other officers also reached the spot. During interrogation, the accused told that he got upset after seeing the question paper, hence he took such step. A case has been registered against the accused in Dhumanganj police station. 

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